This page contains papers and links:


Hoffman, L., Stewart, S., Warren, D., & Meek, L. (2009). Toward a sustainable myth of self: An existential response to the postmodern condition. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 49, 135-173. (An updated version of this article also appears in The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice (2nd edition; pp. 105-133) by K. J. Schneider, J. F. Pierson & J. F. T. Bugental (Eds.), published by Sage.

Hoffman, L. (2004, August/September). The danger of the “truth.” AHP Perspectives, 22-24.

Hoffman, L., Hoffman, J., Robison, B., & Lawrence, K. (2005, April). Modern and postmodern ways of knowing: Implicaitons for therapy and integration. Paper presented at the Christian Asoocation for Psychological Studies International Conferences, Dallas, TX.

More papers by Dr. Louis Hoffman can be found at:


Postmodernism and Psychotherapy: Understanding the Essentials: A 6CE course by Dr. Hoffman offered through the Zur Institute. Online Continuing Education Course for Psychologists (approved by APA), MFTs & LCSWs  (by CA-BBS) Social Workers (by ASWB) and Counselors (by NBCC).

Dennis Fox’s Home Page: Dennis Fox is a leader in Critical Psychology, which has many parallels to postmodernism.

Kenneth J. Gergen’s Homepage: Kenneth Gergen is an important social constructivist theorist who continues to be an important voice in postmodern psychology. A number of resources are availabe at his web site.

Postmodernism and Psychology Online Articles: Links to articles on postmodernism and psychology through Dr. Louis Hoffman’s Virtual Classroom web site.

Existential Therapy: Existential Therapy has many parallels to postmodernism. In many wyas, existential theory – both psychological and philosophical – played a role in the development of postmodernism.

PostmodernTherapies News: This web site has a good deal of information about postmodern therapy approaches. The perspective is somewhat different than what is presented on this web site. It includes a postmodernism dictionary and many other helpful resources and links.

Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy: This is a open-access, free online journal which reflects more of a postmodern approach to evaluating psychotherapy effectiveness.